Monday, December 1, 2008

Today is November 30

Today would have been Grandma Emerson's Birthday. We miss her very much. She was a very special woman and the best Grandma in the world! Happy Birthday Grandma, we all love you so very much!

A Grandmother’s Love

If ever one could clearly see
The true meaning that she means to me.
To define a love so unconditional you see
Is my grandmother’s love that’s given so free.

It matters not the things we have done,
Races lost and battles won.
Whether right, whether wrong,
Her smile she gave and her love so strong.

A gift of God sent down from above,
A gift of our Grandmother’s unconditional love.
Her battles through life she has struggled to win
And now her struggle has come to an end.

Her strength through it all kept our family together
Though near and far through all types of weather.
For my grandmothers love on wings of a prayer
Shall fly home to heaven on a cloud of air.

Lord, here’s yourangel that we surrender to you
With her arms open wide she asks to come to.
She waits for your hand
A long journey at its end.

Her memory and love I shall cradle with care
To know she’ll be looking down from there.
It’s hard to let go, so precious as she
You must understand it is selfish of me.

To know you will have her soon enough
My grandmother’s love helps us get through the rough.
No more shall I feel the soft soothing touch
In my grandmothers strong yet gentle clutch.

No more times of funny faces we made
To hear her laugh in an even trade.
Her words she strained hard to pronounce
The giggle or dance with that funny bounce.

She is what some have never known
To be granted the years that she has grown.
She is what some have never seen
To be granted this gift and know what it means!

This is the true meaning of unconditional love
That my Grandmother shall still send from above.

Pearl M. Emerson
“Grandma Emerson”