Team Members: Mary Beth Colley, Amy Colley, Glenda Page (Co-Chair),
Linda Campbell, Terri Bolt, Jewell Abbott, Dave Bolt, Brenda Grow,
Faye Harbrant, Basil Campbell, Jill Andrews, Zach Watson, John Proctor,
Audrey Page (Chair), Leslie Baker, Mel Baker, KJ Proctor,
Trish Cullivan, Cody Walk, Jennifer Walk, & Madison Walk
So todaywas the big day! Me and many family and friends walked in support of finding the cure to Cystic Fibrosis! I had so much support and encouragement, I didnt know what to do! ( I was worried I wouldnt be able to complete the walk). I so appreciate all the people who supported me in my walk - whether they were there with me or whether they supported me through a donation! It was a beautiful day and a wonderful turn out for the very first walk in Williamsburg Virginia! We walked the campus of William & Mary and I must say- it was a wonderful walk! Here are some photos we took of the event and some photos we took along the way of our walk!

There were over 150 walkers in attendance!
Mom & Linda grooving to the DJ's tunes!
Me trying to get all my donations straight!
Over all donations totaled about $17,000!
Beautiful William & Mary Campus along the walk route.
Me making sure we are going in the right direction
More candid shots of the walk route...
Almost done! Zach had to make sure I made it to the finish!
John Proctor & Dave Bolt enjoying some goodies!

Mom & Linda really liked the music!
The roses I received at the end of the walk - beautiful!